(July 2024) Dr. Lim will work as a Co-PI in Dr. Choi's University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Seed Grant, titled “Phosphoinositide signaling controls breast cancer metastasis via the regulation of a mechanotransducer YAP (PI: Choi).”
(May 2024) Joshua Wichman received the UNL UCARE Award.
(November 2023) Tasneem Bouzid successfully completed a Ph.D. thesis defense.
(July 2023) Dr. Lim is awarded a NE DHHS Stem Cell Research Project grant entitled “Flow Shear-Induced YAP/TAZ Mechanosensing in MSCs (PI: Lim).”
(July 2023) Dr. Lim will work as a Co-PI in Dr. Band's University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Seed Grant, titled “Elucidation and Co-targeting of Two Distinct Mechano-adaptation Modules in Metastatic Breast Cancer (PI: Band).”
(April 2023) Dr. Lim is awarded a Biomedical Research Seed Grant entitled “Adipocyte Mechanical Load Adaptation and Metabolic Regulation (PI: Lim)” from the UNL Office of Research and Economic Development.
(April 2023) Tasneem Bouzid won a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the NIH COBRE NPOD 14th Annual Spring Retreat.
(April 2023) Sarah Altman is awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for her study at the MIT-Harvard's Health Science and Technology Doctoral Program in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics.
(April 2023) Luke Freyhof received the UNL UCARE Award.
(September 2022) Brandon Riehl won a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the NIH COBRE NPOD 8th Annual Fall Symposium.
(August 2022) Luke Freyhof received a Milton E. Mohr Scholarship.
(April 2022) Sarah Altman received a Goldwater Scholarship. UNL Newsroom
(August 2021) Dr. Lim is promoted to a Professor.
(July 2021) Dr. Lim will participate as a Co-PI in Dr. Dutta's University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Team Seed Grant titled "Design of Microfluidic Device Based on Cytoskeletal Modifications to Understand Breast Cancer Cell Metastasis and Proliferation in Diabetes (PI: Dutta)."
(May 2021) Amir Monemian Esfahani was selected as a Winner at the UNL Student Research Days.
(April 2021) Tasneem Bouzid received a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the NIH COBRE NPOD 12th Annual Retreat.
(April 2021) Shea Thompson received the UNL UCARE Award.
(September 2020) Tasneem Bouzid received a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the NIH COBRE NPOD 6th Annual Symposium.
(July 2020) Dr. Lim will work with Dr. Yang and Dr. Duan (Co-PIs) in the University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Team Strengthening Seed Grant, titled "Stretch Mechanotransduction for MSC Osteogenesis (PI: Lim)."
(June 2020) Dr. Lim will conduct a role as one of the Project Leaders in the NIH supported UNL NPOD COBRE center.
(April 2020) Sarah Altman and Shea Thompson received the UNL UCARE Awards to perform research under Dr. Lim's advising.
(February 2020) Amir Monemian Esfahani received the 2nd place at the Multimedia/Poster Session in the COE Graduate Symposium.
(July 2019) Dr. Lim will participate as a Co-PI in Dr. Yang's University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Formed/Forming Team Seed Grant titled "Cellular Mechanical Stress Regulation in Autoimmune Blistering Disorders (PI: Yang)."
(May 2019) Shea Thompson received the UNL UCARE Award.
(March 2019) Dr. Lim works as a Visiting Faculty at the Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School thanks to the hosting by Dr. Jason Kim, the Director of the National Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center.
(December 2018) Dr. Lim will conduct a NIH COBRE NPOD Seed Grant titled "A Model for Load-Induced Obese Insulin Activity (PI: Lim)."
(September 2018) Dr. Lim will work as a Co-PI in Dr. Yang's NSF grant as titled "Cell-Cell Adhesion Mechanics and Mechanotransduction at the Single Cell Level (PI: Yang)." UNL Newsroom
(July 2018) Akankshya Shradhanjali successfully completed a Ph.D. thesis defense.
(July 2018) Dr. Lim will perform a NE DHHS Stem Cell Research Project titled "Role of YAP Mechanotransduction in MSC Fate Decision (PI: Lim)" with Dr. Yang (Co-I).
(April 2018) Tasneem Bouzid received a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the 10th NIH COBRE NPOD Annual Retreat.
(December 2017) Dr. Lim will conduct a NIH COBRE NPOD Seed Grant titled "Adipose Mechanobiology for Endocrine Function (PI: Lim)."
(September 2017) Dr. Lim will conduct a Pilot Grant project with Dr. Sinitskii (Co-PI) on "Peripheral Nerve Regeneration with Novel Graphene Nerve Guidance Conduit (PI: Lim)" with a support from NIH Great Plains IDeA-CTR. UNL Newsroom
(August 2017) Dr. Lim participates as a Co-I in Dr. Yang's Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Project to study "Stress-Induced Pathway of Cell-Cell Adhesion Disruption in Pemphigus Pathogenesis (PI: Yang)" with a support from NIH Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (NCIBC).
(July 2017) Dr. Lim will participate as a Co-I in Dr. Duan's AHA Scientist Development Grant titled
"Bio-inspired Engineered Pediatric Valve Regulates MSC Differentiation and MSC-Monocyte Interaction (PI: Duan)."
(July 2017) Tasneem Bouzid successfully completed a M.S. thesis defense.
(May 2017) Benjamin Plambeck received the UNL UCARE Award.
(April 2017) Tasneem Bouzid won a Research Award in the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Poster Competition at the NIH supported NPOD 9th Annual Retreat.
(December 2016) Dr. Lim joins the NIH supported Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases through Dietary Molecules (NPOD) to perform a Seed Grant project titled "Adipokine Mechanobiology for Insulin Signaling (PI: Lim)."
(November 2016) Dr. Lim served on the panel of COE New Faculty Series: CAREER Proposal Panel Discussion to share the experience. UNL Newsroom
(November 2016) Mohammad Andalib successfully completed a Ph.D. thesis defense.
(October 2016) Mohammad Andalib received a Best Poster Award (Honorable Mention) at the MME Research Fair.
(June 2016) Dr. Lim received a UNL Layman New Directions Award to study "Promoting Cardiomyogenesis by Mechanical Stretching (PI: Lim)."
(May 2016) Emilie Johnson, Courtney Kinser, Ravi Raghani, and Benjamin Plambeck received UNL UCARE Awards.
(April 2016) Mohammad Andalib received a MME Department Outstanding GRA Award.
(April 2016) Hillary Stoll was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for her graduate study at the North Carolina State University.
(August 2015) Tasneem Bouzid was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to perform graduate study under Dr. Lim's advising. UNL Newsroom
(July 2015) Dr. Lim will perform a NE DHHS Stem Cell Research Project to investigate "Mechanical Stretch Control of Stem Cell Fate (PI: Lim)."
(June 2015) Dr. Lim received the Berton Rahn Research Fund Prize Award from the AO Foundation. It was awarded during the AO Foundation Annual Trustees Meeting, which was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on June 17-20, 2015. UNL Newsroom
(April 2015) Dr. Lim is awarded a Biomedical Research Seed Grant from the Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Biomedical Research Enhancement Fund for studying "Adipose Mechanobiology for Type 2 Diabetes (PI: Lim)."
(August 2014) Dr. Lim has been promoted to an Associate Professor (with Tenure).
(July 2014) Dr. Lim will perform a Nebraska Research Initiative project with Dr. Sinitskii (Co-PI) on "Three-Dimensional Graphene Scaffold for Tissue Engineering (PI: Lim)."
(May 2014) Dr. Lim received the NSF CAREER Award. This five-year grant supports the research titled "CAREER: Adipocytic Mechanotransduction for Obesity (PI: Lim)." UNL Newsroom
(April 2014) Brandon Riehl successfully completed a M.S. thesis defense.
(September 2013) Daniel Menter successfully completed a M.S. thesis defense.
(July 2013) Dr. Lim joined the Department of Surgery-Transplant and the Mary and Dick Holland Regenerative Medicine Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) as a Courtesy Faculty.
(June 2013) Dr. Lim is awarded an Osteology Foundation Grant to investigate "Improving Bone Formation with hMSCs via Sensitizing FAK Mechanotransduction (PI: Lim)."
(May 2013) Dr. Lim participates as a Co-PI in the NE EPSCoR Trans-disciplinary Neuroscience Research Seed Grant titled "The Role of Astrocyte Activity in Structural Synaptic Plasticity (PI: Dunaevsky)."
(May 2013) Hillary Stoll is awarded an UCARE fund from UNL.
(April 2013) UNL College of Engineering awarded Dr. Lim with a Faculty Research & Creative Activity Award.
(April 2013) Dr. Lim joined the journal, Biomed. Sci. Eng., as an editorial board member.
(January 2013) Dr. Lim participates as a Co-I in the UNL Interdisciplinary Research Grants titled "Mechanical Predictors of Vessel Remodeling (PI: Gu)."
(July 2012) Dr. Lim earned a three-year American Heart Association (AHA) Scientist Development Grant Award to investigate "Mechanical-Biochemical Synergistic Inhibition of Adipogenesis (PI: Lim)."
(June 2012) Nhat Tran and Nicole Schuster are awarded UCARE funds from UNL. The 2nd year UCARE funding for Katherine Thorson is granted.
(February 2012) UNL Parents Association and Teaching Council honored Dr. Lim with a Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students.
(December 2011) Ishwari Poudel successfully completed a M.S. thesis defense.
(November 2011) The Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board at University of Nebraska-Lincoln honored Dr. Lim as one of the People Who Inspire with a nomination by Suzanne Higgins. The honorary reception, sponsored by Vice Chancellor Juan Franco, was held on 11/18/2011 at the Van Brunt Center.
(July 2011) Dr. Lim is awarded a two-year NE DHHS Stem Cell Research Project grant entitled "Controlling Stem Cell Fate via Cell Patterning (PI: Lim)."
(June 2011) Brandon Riehl and Katherine Thorson are awarded UCARE funds from UNL. The 2nd year UCARE funding for Suzanne Higgins is granted.
(December 2010) The Lab Open House was held on 12/7/2010 with many visitors including Vice Chancellor Prem Paul and COE interim dean.
(November 2010) Dr. Lim will work as a Sub-Project PI in the DOD/ARO "Phase II Army-UNL Center for Trauma Mechanics (PI: Chandra)" project.
(October 2010) Dr. Lim earned the AO Foundation Start-up Grants to study "Controlling Nanotopography-ECM Environment for Enhanced Bone Formation with hMSCs (PI: Lim)."
(June 2010) Suzanne Higgins is awarded an UCARE fund from UNL. Daniel Menter's 2nd year UCARE funding is granted.
(June 2010) Dr. Lim earned the Layman Award from UNL to study "Promoting Bone Cell Differentiation by Fluid Flow (PI: Lim)."
(February 2010) The Lab Experience Program for Homeschool Students (LEPHS) is launched by Dr. Lim.
(September 2009) Dr. Lim served as a scientific and organizing committee member and session chair at the 10th International Bone Fluid Flow Workshop (IBFF), September 16-17, 2009, Hershey, PA.
(June 2009) Daniel Menter is awarded an UCARE fund from UNL.
(January 2009) Dr. Lim earned the Faculty Seed Grants from UNL to investigate "Nanoscale Topography Regulation of Stem Cell Differentiation (PI: Lim)."
(November 2008) As an invited speaker, Dr. Lim presented at the International Workshop on Emerging Materials & Active Polymer Patterning, November 19-22, 2008, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
(October 2008) Dr. Lim participates as a Sub-Project PI in the DOD/ARO supported "Army-UNL Center for Trauma Mechanics (PI: Chandra)" project.