Google Scholar - Jung Yul Lim
66. Xiaowei Jin, Jordan Rosenbohm, Amir Ostadi Moghaddam, Eunju Kim, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, Merced Leiker, Haiwei Zhai, Sindora R. Baddam, Grayson Minnick, Yucheng Huo, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa, James K. Wahl III, Fanben Meng, Changjin Huang, Jung Yul Lim, Daniel E. Conway, Animesh A. Sinha, Ruiguo Yang. Desmosomal cadherin tension loss in pemphigus vulgaris mediated by the inhibition of active RhoA at cell-cell adhesions. Submitted. PubMed
65. Tasneem Bouzid*, Eunju Kim*, Brandon D. Riehl, Ruiguo Yang, Viswanathan Saraswathi, Jason K. Kim, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretch control of adipocyte AKT signaling and the role of FAK and ROCK mechanosensors. Bioengineering 2024;11:1279 (*: contributed equally). Link
64. Diganta Dutta, Matthew Ziemke, Payton Sindelar, Hernan Vargas, Jung Yul Lim, Surabhi Chandra. Cytoarchitecture of breast cancer cells under diabetic conditions: Role of regulatory kinases – Rho kinase and focal adhesion kinase. Cancers 2024;16:3166. PubMed
63. Diganta Dutta, Xavier Palmer, Jung Yul Lim, Surabhi Chandra. Simulation on the separation of breast cancer cells within a dual-patterned end microfluidic device. Fluids 2024;9:123. Link
62. Eunju Kim*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Tasneem Bouzid, Ruiguo Yang, Bin Duan, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. YAP mechanotransduction under cyclic mechanical stretch loading for mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis is regulated by ROCK. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2024;11:1306002 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
61. Tasneem Bouzid*, Amir Monemian Esfahani*, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa*, Eunju Kim, Viswanathan Saraswathi, Jason K. Kim, Ruiguo Yang, Jung Yul Lim. Rho/ROCK mechanosensor in adipocyte stiffness and traction force generation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2022;606:42-48 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
60. Shaohua Wu, Yiran Li, Caidan Zhang, Litao Tao, Mitchell Kuss, Jung Yul Lim, Jonathan Butcher, Bin Duan. Tri-layered and gel-like nanofibrous scaffolds with anisotropic features for engineering heart valve leaflets. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2022;11:e2200053. PubMed
59. Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa, Nickolay V. Lavrik, Grayson Minnick, Quan Zhou, Fang Kong, Xiaowei Jin, Eunju Kim, Ying Liu, Yongfeng Lu, Jung Yul Lim, James K. Wahl III, Ming Dao, Changjin Huang, Ruiguo Yang. Characterization of the strain-rate-dependent mechanical response of single cell-cell junctions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2021;118:e2019347118. PubMed UNL Newsroom
58. Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Tasneem Bouzid, Jung Yul Lim. The role of microenvironmental cues and mechanical loading milieus in breast cancer cell progression and metastasis. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2021;8:608526. PubMed
57. Xiaowei Jin*, Jordan Rosenbohm*, Eunju Kim*, Amir Monemian Esfahani, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, James K. Wahl III, Jung Yul Lim, Animesh A. Sinha, Ruiguo Yang. Modulation of mechanical stress mitigates anti-dsg3 antibody-induced dissociation of cell-cell adhesion. Adv. Biol. 2021;5:e2000159 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
Featured as journal Back Cover
56. Shaohua Wu, Vikas Kumar, Peng Xiao, Mitchell Kuss, Jung Yul Lim, Chittibabu Guda, Jonathan Butcher, Bin Duan. Age related extracellular matrix and interstitial cell phenotype in pulmonary valves. Sci. Rep. 2020;10:21338. Pubmed
55. Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Jeong Soon Lee, Bin Duan, Ruiguo Yang, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. The role of fluid shear and metastatic potential in breast cancer cell migration. J. Biomech. Eng. 2020;142:101001. Pubmed
54. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Bin Duan, Ruiguo Yang, Jung Yul Lim. Spatiotemporal characterizations of spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes with adaptive reference digital image correlation. Sci. Rep. 2019;9:18382 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
53. Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Keerthana Reddy, Xiaowei Jin, Tasneem Bouzid, Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Jung Yul Lim, Ruiguo Yang. Tissue regeneration from mechanical stretching of cell-cell adhesion. Tissue Eng. C. 2019;25:631-640. Pubmed
52. Tasneem Bouzid, Eunju Kim, Brandon D. Riehl, Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Ruiguo Yang, Bin Duan, Jung Yul Lim. The LINC complex, mechanotransduction, and mesenchymal stem cell function and fate. J. Biol. Eng. 2019;13:68. Pubmed
51. Mitchell A. Kuss, Shaohua Wu, Ying Wang, Jason B. Untrauer, Wenlong Li, Jung Yul Lim, Bin Duan. Prevascularization of 3D printed bone scaffolds by bioactive hydrogels and cell co-culture. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 2018;106:1788-1798. Pubmed
50. Akankshya Shradhanjali, Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Enhanced cardiomyogenic induction of mouse pluripotent cells by cyclic mechanical stretch. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2017;488:590-595. Pubmed
49. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Tasneem Bouzid*, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene for dental implant applications. Adv. Dent. Oral Health 2017;4:555642 (*: contributed equally). Link
48. Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Flowtaxis of osteoblast migration under fluid shear and the effect of RhoA kinase silencing. PLoS One 2017;12:e0171857. Pubmed
47. Tasneem Bouzid, Frederick G. Hamel, Jung Yul Lim. Role of adipokines in controlling insulin signaling pathways in type-2 diabetes and obesity. Current and future perspectives. Int. J. Diabetes Res. 2016;5:75-85. Link
46. Tasneem Bouzid, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene platform for neural regenerative medicine. Neural Regen. Res. 2016;11:894-895. Pubmed
45. Mohammad Nahid Andalib, Yuris Dzenis, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. Biomimetic substrate control of cellular mechanotransduction. Biomater. Res. 2016;20:11. Pubmed
44. Mohammad Nahid Andalib*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ligyeom Ha, Yuris Dzenis, Jung Yul Lim. Focal adhesion kinase regulation in stem cell alignment and spreading on nanofibers. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2016;473:920-925 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
43. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Cardiomyocyte stretching for regenerative medicine and hypertrophy study. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2015;12:398-409 (*: contributed equally). Link
42. Jeong Soon Lee*, Alexey Lipatov*, Ligyeom Ha, Mikhail Shekhirev, Mohammad Nahid Andalib, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene substrate for inducing neurite outgrowth. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2015;460:267-273 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
41. Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Fluid-flow-induced mesenchymal stem cell migration: Role of focal adhesion kinase and RhoA kinase sensors. J. R. Soc. Interface 2015;12:20141351. Pubmed
40. Hillary Stoll, Frederick G. Hamel, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical control of mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis. Endocrinol. Metab. Synd. 2015;4:152. Link
39. Jeong Soon Lee, Jung Yul Lim, Jinu Kim. Mechanical stretch induces angiotensinogen expression through PARP1 activation in kidney proximal tubular cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Anim. 2015;51:72-78. Pubmed
38. Shijia Zhao, Alex Stamm, Jeong Soon Lee, Alexei Gruverman, Jung Yul Lim, Linxia Gu. Elasticity of differentiated and undifferentiated human neuroblastoma cells characterized by atomic force microscopy. J. Mech. Med. Biol. 2015;15:1550069. Link
37. Hillary Stoll, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Material and mechanical factors: New strategy in cellular neurogenesis. Neural Regen. Res. 2014;9:1810-1813. Pubmed
36. Mohammad Nahid Andalib*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ligyeom Ha, Yuris Dzenis, Jung Yul Lim. The role of RhoA kinase (ROCK) in cell alignment on nanofibers. Acta Biomater. 2013;9:7737-7745 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
35. Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. The role of focal adhesion kinase in BMP4 induction of mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2013;435:696-701. Pubmed
34. Suzanne Higgins, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Inducing neurite outgrowth by mechanical cell stretch. Biores. Open Access 2013;2:212-216. Pubmed
33. Ishwari Poudel, Jeong Soon Lee, Li Tan, Jung Yul Lim. Micropatterning-retinoic acid co-control of neuronal cell morphology and neurite outgrowth. Acta Biomater. 2013;9:4592-4598. Pubmed
32. Brandon D. Riehl, Jung Yul Lim. Macro and microfluidic flows for skeletal regenerative medicine. Cells 2012;1:1225-1245. Pubmed
31. Jung Yul Lim, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Henry J. Donahue. Nanotopographic cell culture substrate: Polymer-demixed nanotextured films under cell culture conditions. Biores. Open Access 2012;1:252-255. Pubmed
30. Brandon D. Riehl, Jae-Hong Park, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretching for tissue engineering: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional constructs. Tissue Eng. B. 2012;18:288-300. Pubmed
29. Ishwari Poudel*, Daniel E. Menter*, Jung Yul Lim. Directing cell function and fate via micropatterning: Role of cell patterning size, shape, and interconnectivity. Biomed. Eng. Lett. 2012;2:38-45 (*: contributed equally). Link
28. Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jin-Hee Park, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretch suppresses BMP4 induction of stem cell adipogenesis via upregulating ERK but not through downregulating Smad or p38. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2012;418:278-283. Pubmed
27. Matthew Nienaber*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ruqiang Feng, Jung Yul Lim. Impulsive pressurization of neuronal cells for traumatic brain injury study. J. Vis. Exp. 2011;56:e2723 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed Video
26. Jung Yul Lim*, Alayna E. Loiselle*, Jeong Soon Lee, Yue Zhang, Joshua D. Salvi, Henry J. Donahue. Optimizing the osteogenic potential of adult stem cells for skeletal regeneration. J. Orthop. Res. 2011;29:1627-1633 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
25. Jeong Soon Lee, Jin-Hee Park, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Retinoic acid inhibits BMP4-induced C3H10T1/2 stem cell commitment to adipocyte via downregulating Smad/p38MAPK signaling. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2011;409:550-555. Pubmed
24. Joshua D. Salvi*, Jung Yul Lim*, Henry J. Donahue. Increased mechanosensitivity of cells cultured on nanotopographies. J. Biomech. 2010;43:3058-3062 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
23. Joshua D. Salvi, Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Finite element analyses of fluid flow conditions in cell culture. Tissue Eng. C. 2010;16:661-670. Pubmed
22. Jung Yul Lim. Topographic control of cell response to synthetic materials. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2009;6:365-370.
21. Jung Yul Lim, Michael C. Shaughnessy, Zhiyi Zhou, Hyeran Noh, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Surface energy effects on osteoblast spatial growth and mineralization. Biomaterials 2008;29:1776-1784. Pubmed
20. Xiaomei Liu, Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue, Ravi Dhurjati, Andrea M. Mastro, Erwin A. Vogler. Influence of substratum surface chemistry/energy and topography on the human fetal osteoblastic cell line hFOB 1.19: Phenotypic and genotypic responses observed in vitro. Biomaterials 2007;28:4535-4550 ('Leading Opinion' paper). Pubmed
19. Joshua C. Hansen, Jung Yul Lim, Li-Chong Xu, Christopher A. Siedlecki, David T. Mauger, Henry J. Donahue. Effect of surface nanoscale topography on elastic modulus of individual osteoblastic cells as determined by atomic force microscopy. J. Biomech. 2007;40:2865-2871. Pubmed
18. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Cell sensing and response to micro- and nanostructured surfaces produced by chemical and topographic patterning. Tissue Eng. 2007;13:1879-1891. Pubmed
17. Jung Yul Lim, Andrea D. Dreiss, Zhiyi Zhou, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Robert W. Hengstebeck, Juan Cheng, Nicholas Winograd, Henry J. Donahue. The regulation of integrin-mediated osteoblast focal adhesion and focal adhesion kinase expression by nanoscale topography. Biomaterials 2007;28:1787-1797 (Figure 7 selected as one of 12 images in "2007 - The Year in Images"). Pubmed
16. Jung Yul Lim, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Robert W. Hengstebeck, Juan Cheng, Nicholas Winograd, Henry J. Donahue. Osteoblast adhesion on poly(L-lactic acid)/polystyrene demixed thin film blends: Effect of nanotopography, surface chemistry, and wettability. Biomacromolecules 2005;6:3319-3327. Pubmed
15. Jung Yul Lim, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, James Runt, Henry J. Donahue. Human foetal osteoblastic cell response to polymer-demixed nanotopographic interfaces. J. R. Soc. Interface 2005;2:97-108. Pubmed
14. Young Shin Kim*, Jung Yul Lim*, Henry J. Donahue, Tao Lu Lowe. Thermoresponsive terpolymeric films applicable for osteoblastic cell growth and noninvasive cell sheet harvesting. Tissue Eng. 2005;11:30-40 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
13. Jung Yul Lim, Amanda F. Taylor, Zhongyong Li, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Integrin expression and osteopontin regulation in human fetal osteoblastic cells mediated by substratum surface characteristics. Tissue Eng. 2005;11:19-29. Pubmed
12. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Biomaterial characteristics important to skeletal tissue engineering. J. Musculoskelet. Neuronal Interact. 2004;4:396-398. Pubmed
11. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Yield strain behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate): Correlation with yield stress behavior in strain rate, temperature, and structure dependence. Polym. J. 2004;36:769-773.
10. Jung Yul Lim, Xiaomei Liu, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Systematic variation in osteoblast adhesion and phenotype with substratum surface characteristics. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2004;68A:504-512. Pubmed
9. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. High-modulus, high-strength, thick polypropylene monofilament production: Response surface analysis approach. J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed. 2003;41:1175-1182.
8. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue, Sang Yong Kim. Strain rate, temperature, and microstructure-dependent yield stress of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2003;204:653-660.
7. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Soonho Lim, Young Ha Kim. Improvement of flexural strengths of poly(L-lactic acid) by solid-state extrusion, 2 Extrusion through rectangular die. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2003;288:50-57.
6. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Young Ha Kim. Polymeric materials for hard tissue fixation. Polym. Sci. Tech. (Korea) 2002;13:15-22.
5. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Soonho Lim, Young Ha Kim. Improvement of flexural strengths of poly(L-lactic acid) by solid-state extrusion. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2001;202:2447-2453.
4. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Thermal shrinkage stress in high-speed-spun, high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed. 2001;39:964-972.
3. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Analyzing temperature dependent shrinkage stress evolution in high speed spun, high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. Text. Res. J. 2001;71:329-335.
2. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Properties of high-speed spun high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 1999;71:1283-1291.
1. Jung Yul Lim, Hyun Joo Shim, Sang Yong Kim. Effects of the spinning conditions on the tangent modulus-strain curves of polypropylene monofilaments. J. Korean Fiber Soc. 1994;31:129-142.
66. Xiaowei Jin, Jordan Rosenbohm, Amir Ostadi Moghaddam, Eunju Kim, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, Merced Leiker, Haiwei Zhai, Sindora R. Baddam, Grayson Minnick, Yucheng Huo, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa, James K. Wahl III, Fanben Meng, Changjin Huang, Jung Yul Lim, Daniel E. Conway, Animesh A. Sinha, Ruiguo Yang. Desmosomal cadherin tension loss in pemphigus vulgaris mediated by the inhibition of active RhoA at cell-cell adhesions. Submitted. PubMed
65. Tasneem Bouzid*, Eunju Kim*, Brandon D. Riehl, Ruiguo Yang, Viswanathan Saraswathi, Jason K. Kim, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretch control of adipocyte AKT signaling and the role of FAK and ROCK mechanosensors. Bioengineering 2024;11:1279 (*: contributed equally). Link
64. Diganta Dutta, Matthew Ziemke, Payton Sindelar, Hernan Vargas, Jung Yul Lim, Surabhi Chandra. Cytoarchitecture of breast cancer cells under diabetic conditions: Role of regulatory kinases – Rho kinase and focal adhesion kinase. Cancers 2024;16:3166. PubMed
63. Diganta Dutta, Xavier Palmer, Jung Yul Lim, Surabhi Chandra. Simulation on the separation of breast cancer cells within a dual-patterned end microfluidic device. Fluids 2024;9:123. Link
62. Eunju Kim*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Tasneem Bouzid, Ruiguo Yang, Bin Duan, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. YAP mechanotransduction under cyclic mechanical stretch loading for mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis is regulated by ROCK. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2024;11:1306002 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
61. Tasneem Bouzid*, Amir Monemian Esfahani*, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa*, Eunju Kim, Viswanathan Saraswathi, Jason K. Kim, Ruiguo Yang, Jung Yul Lim. Rho/ROCK mechanosensor in adipocyte stiffness and traction force generation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2022;606:42-48 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
60. Shaohua Wu, Yiran Li, Caidan Zhang, Litao Tao, Mitchell Kuss, Jung Yul Lim, Jonathan Butcher, Bin Duan. Tri-layered and gel-like nanofibrous scaffolds with anisotropic features for engineering heart valve leaflets. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2022;11:e2200053. PubMed
59. Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Bahareh Tajvidi Safa, Nickolay V. Lavrik, Grayson Minnick, Quan Zhou, Fang Kong, Xiaowei Jin, Eunju Kim, Ying Liu, Yongfeng Lu, Jung Yul Lim, James K. Wahl III, Ming Dao, Changjin Huang, Ruiguo Yang. Characterization of the strain-rate-dependent mechanical response of single cell-cell junctions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2021;118:e2019347118. PubMed UNL Newsroom
58. Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Tasneem Bouzid, Jung Yul Lim. The role of microenvironmental cues and mechanical loading milieus in breast cancer cell progression and metastasis. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2021;8:608526. PubMed
57. Xiaowei Jin*, Jordan Rosenbohm*, Eunju Kim*, Amir Monemian Esfahani, Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, James K. Wahl III, Jung Yul Lim, Animesh A. Sinha, Ruiguo Yang. Modulation of mechanical stress mitigates anti-dsg3 antibody-induced dissociation of cell-cell adhesion. Adv. Biol. 2021;5:e2000159 (*: contributed equally). PubMed
Featured as journal Back Cover
56. Shaohua Wu, Vikas Kumar, Peng Xiao, Mitchell Kuss, Jung Yul Lim, Chittibabu Guda, Jonathan Butcher, Bin Duan. Age related extracellular matrix and interstitial cell phenotype in pulmonary valves. Sci. Rep. 2020;10:21338. Pubmed
55. Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Jeong Soon Lee, Bin Duan, Ruiguo Yang, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. The role of fluid shear and metastatic potential in breast cancer cell migration. J. Biomech. Eng. 2020;142:101001. Pubmed
54. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Bin Duan, Ruiguo Yang, Jung Yul Lim. Spatiotemporal characterizations of spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes with adaptive reference digital image correlation. Sci. Rep. 2019;9:18382 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
53. Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Keerthana Reddy, Xiaowei Jin, Tasneem Bouzid, Brandon D. Riehl, Eunju Kim, Jung Yul Lim, Ruiguo Yang. Tissue regeneration from mechanical stretching of cell-cell adhesion. Tissue Eng. C. 2019;25:631-640. Pubmed
52. Tasneem Bouzid, Eunju Kim, Brandon D. Riehl, Amir Monemian Esfahani, Jordan Rosenbohm, Ruiguo Yang, Bin Duan, Jung Yul Lim. The LINC complex, mechanotransduction, and mesenchymal stem cell function and fate. J. Biol. Eng. 2019;13:68. Pubmed
51. Mitchell A. Kuss, Shaohua Wu, Ying Wang, Jason B. Untrauer, Wenlong Li, Jung Yul Lim, Bin Duan. Prevascularization of 3D printed bone scaffolds by bioactive hydrogels and cell co-culture. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 2018;106:1788-1798. Pubmed
50. Akankshya Shradhanjali, Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Enhanced cardiomyogenic induction of mouse pluripotent cells by cyclic mechanical stretch. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2017;488:590-595. Pubmed
49. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Tasneem Bouzid*, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene for dental implant applications. Adv. Dent. Oral Health 2017;4:555642 (*: contributed equally). Link
48. Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Flowtaxis of osteoblast migration under fluid shear and the effect of RhoA kinase silencing. PLoS One 2017;12:e0171857. Pubmed
47. Tasneem Bouzid, Frederick G. Hamel, Jung Yul Lim. Role of adipokines in controlling insulin signaling pathways in type-2 diabetes and obesity. Current and future perspectives. Int. J. Diabetes Res. 2016;5:75-85. Link
46. Tasneem Bouzid, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene platform for neural regenerative medicine. Neural Regen. Res. 2016;11:894-895. Pubmed
45. Mohammad Nahid Andalib, Yuris Dzenis, Henry J. Donahue, Jung Yul Lim. Biomimetic substrate control of cellular mechanotransduction. Biomater. Res. 2016;20:11. Pubmed
44. Mohammad Nahid Andalib*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ligyeom Ha, Yuris Dzenis, Jung Yul Lim. Focal adhesion kinase regulation in stem cell alignment and spreading on nanofibers. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2016;473:920-925 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
43. Akankshya Shradhanjali*, Brandon D. Riehl*, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Cardiomyocyte stretching for regenerative medicine and hypertrophy study. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2015;12:398-409 (*: contributed equally). Link
42. Jeong Soon Lee*, Alexey Lipatov*, Ligyeom Ha, Mikhail Shekhirev, Mohammad Nahid Andalib, Alexander Sinitskii, Jung Yul Lim. Graphene substrate for inducing neurite outgrowth. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2015;460:267-273 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
41. Brandon D. Riehl, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Fluid-flow-induced mesenchymal stem cell migration: Role of focal adhesion kinase and RhoA kinase sensors. J. R. Soc. Interface 2015;12:20141351. Pubmed
40. Hillary Stoll, Frederick G. Hamel, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical control of mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis. Endocrinol. Metab. Synd. 2015;4:152. Link
39. Jeong Soon Lee, Jung Yul Lim, Jinu Kim. Mechanical stretch induces angiotensinogen expression through PARP1 activation in kidney proximal tubular cells. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Anim. 2015;51:72-78. Pubmed
38. Shijia Zhao, Alex Stamm, Jeong Soon Lee, Alexei Gruverman, Jung Yul Lim, Linxia Gu. Elasticity of differentiated and undifferentiated human neuroblastoma cells characterized by atomic force microscopy. J. Mech. Med. Biol. 2015;15:1550069. Link
37. Hillary Stoll, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Material and mechanical factors: New strategy in cellular neurogenesis. Neural Regen. Res. 2014;9:1810-1813. Pubmed
36. Mohammad Nahid Andalib*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ligyeom Ha, Yuris Dzenis, Jung Yul Lim. The role of RhoA kinase (ROCK) in cell alignment on nanofibers. Acta Biomater. 2013;9:7737-7745 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
35. Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. The role of focal adhesion kinase in BMP4 induction of mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2013;435:696-701. Pubmed
34. Suzanne Higgins, Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jung Yul Lim. Inducing neurite outgrowth by mechanical cell stretch. Biores. Open Access 2013;2:212-216. Pubmed
33. Ishwari Poudel, Jeong Soon Lee, Li Tan, Jung Yul Lim. Micropatterning-retinoic acid co-control of neuronal cell morphology and neurite outgrowth. Acta Biomater. 2013;9:4592-4598. Pubmed
32. Brandon D. Riehl, Jung Yul Lim. Macro and microfluidic flows for skeletal regenerative medicine. Cells 2012;1:1225-1245. Pubmed
31. Jung Yul Lim, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Henry J. Donahue. Nanotopographic cell culture substrate: Polymer-demixed nanotextured films under cell culture conditions. Biores. Open Access 2012;1:252-255. Pubmed
30. Brandon D. Riehl, Jae-Hong Park, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretching for tissue engineering: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional constructs. Tissue Eng. B. 2012;18:288-300. Pubmed
29. Ishwari Poudel*, Daniel E. Menter*, Jung Yul Lim. Directing cell function and fate via micropatterning: Role of cell patterning size, shape, and interconnectivity. Biomed. Eng. Lett. 2012;2:38-45 (*: contributed equally). Link
28. Jeong Soon Lee, Ligyeom Ha, Jin-Hee Park, Jung Yul Lim. Mechanical stretch suppresses BMP4 induction of stem cell adipogenesis via upregulating ERK but not through downregulating Smad or p38. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2012;418:278-283. Pubmed
27. Matthew Nienaber*, Jeong Soon Lee*, Ruqiang Feng, Jung Yul Lim. Impulsive pressurization of neuronal cells for traumatic brain injury study. J. Vis. Exp. 2011;56:e2723 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed Video
26. Jung Yul Lim*, Alayna E. Loiselle*, Jeong Soon Lee, Yue Zhang, Joshua D. Salvi, Henry J. Donahue. Optimizing the osteogenic potential of adult stem cells for skeletal regeneration. J. Orthop. Res. 2011;29:1627-1633 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
25. Jeong Soon Lee, Jin-Hee Park, Il Keun Kwon, Jung Yul Lim. Retinoic acid inhibits BMP4-induced C3H10T1/2 stem cell commitment to adipocyte via downregulating Smad/p38MAPK signaling. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2011;409:550-555. Pubmed
24. Joshua D. Salvi*, Jung Yul Lim*, Henry J. Donahue. Increased mechanosensitivity of cells cultured on nanotopographies. J. Biomech. 2010;43:3058-3062 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
23. Joshua D. Salvi, Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Finite element analyses of fluid flow conditions in cell culture. Tissue Eng. C. 2010;16:661-670. Pubmed
22. Jung Yul Lim. Topographic control of cell response to synthetic materials. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2009;6:365-370.
21. Jung Yul Lim, Michael C. Shaughnessy, Zhiyi Zhou, Hyeran Noh, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Surface energy effects on osteoblast spatial growth and mineralization. Biomaterials 2008;29:1776-1784. Pubmed
20. Xiaomei Liu, Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue, Ravi Dhurjati, Andrea M. Mastro, Erwin A. Vogler. Influence of substratum surface chemistry/energy and topography on the human fetal osteoblastic cell line hFOB 1.19: Phenotypic and genotypic responses observed in vitro. Biomaterials 2007;28:4535-4550 ('Leading Opinion' paper). Pubmed
19. Joshua C. Hansen, Jung Yul Lim, Li-Chong Xu, Christopher A. Siedlecki, David T. Mauger, Henry J. Donahue. Effect of surface nanoscale topography on elastic modulus of individual osteoblastic cells as determined by atomic force microscopy. J. Biomech. 2007;40:2865-2871. Pubmed
18. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Cell sensing and response to micro- and nanostructured surfaces produced by chemical and topographic patterning. Tissue Eng. 2007;13:1879-1891. Pubmed
17. Jung Yul Lim, Andrea D. Dreiss, Zhiyi Zhou, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Robert W. Hengstebeck, Juan Cheng, Nicholas Winograd, Henry J. Donahue. The regulation of integrin-mediated osteoblast focal adhesion and focal adhesion kinase expression by nanoscale topography. Biomaterials 2007;28:1787-1797 (Figure 7 selected as one of 12 images in "2007 - The Year in Images"). Pubmed
16. Jung Yul Lim, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, Robert W. Hengstebeck, Juan Cheng, Nicholas Winograd, Henry J. Donahue. Osteoblast adhesion on poly(L-lactic acid)/polystyrene demixed thin film blends: Effect of nanotopography, surface chemistry, and wettability. Biomacromolecules 2005;6:3319-3327. Pubmed
15. Jung Yul Lim, Joshua C. Hansen, Christopher A. Siedlecki, James Runt, Henry J. Donahue. Human foetal osteoblastic cell response to polymer-demixed nanotopographic interfaces. J. R. Soc. Interface 2005;2:97-108. Pubmed
14. Young Shin Kim*, Jung Yul Lim*, Henry J. Donahue, Tao Lu Lowe. Thermoresponsive terpolymeric films applicable for osteoblastic cell growth and noninvasive cell sheet harvesting. Tissue Eng. 2005;11:30-40 (*: contributed equally). Pubmed
13. Jung Yul Lim, Amanda F. Taylor, Zhongyong Li, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Integrin expression and osteopontin regulation in human fetal osteoblastic cells mediated by substratum surface characteristics. Tissue Eng. 2005;11:19-29. Pubmed
12. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue. Biomaterial characteristics important to skeletal tissue engineering. J. Musculoskelet. Neuronal Interact. 2004;4:396-398. Pubmed
11. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Yield strain behavior of poly(ethylene terephthalate): Correlation with yield stress behavior in strain rate, temperature, and structure dependence. Polym. J. 2004;36:769-773.
10. Jung Yul Lim, Xiaomei Liu, Erwin A. Vogler, Henry J. Donahue. Systematic variation in osteoblast adhesion and phenotype with substratum surface characteristics. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 2004;68A:504-512. Pubmed
9. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. High-modulus, high-strength, thick polypropylene monofilament production: Response surface analysis approach. J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed. 2003;41:1175-1182.
8. Jung Yul Lim, Henry J. Donahue, Sang Yong Kim. Strain rate, temperature, and microstructure-dependent yield stress of poly(ethylene terephthalate). Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2003;204:653-660.
7. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Soonho Lim, Young Ha Kim. Improvement of flexural strengths of poly(L-lactic acid) by solid-state extrusion, 2 Extrusion through rectangular die. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2003;288:50-57.
6. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Young Ha Kim. Polymeric materials for hard tissue fixation. Polym. Sci. Tech. (Korea) 2002;13:15-22.
5. Jung Yul Lim, Soo Hyun Kim, Soonho Lim, Young Ha Kim. Improvement of flexural strengths of poly(L-lactic acid) by solid-state extrusion. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2001;202:2447-2453.
4. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Thermal shrinkage stress in high-speed-spun, high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed. 2001;39:964-972.
3. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Analyzing temperature dependent shrinkage stress evolution in high speed spun, high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. Text. Res. J. 2001;71:329-335.
2. Jung Yul Lim, Sang Yong Kim. Properties of high-speed spun high molecular weight poly(ethylene terephthalate) filaments. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 1999;71:1283-1291.
1. Jung Yul Lim, Hyun Joo Shim, Sang Yong Kim. Effects of the spinning conditions on the tangent modulus-strain curves of polypropylene monofilaments. J. Korean Fiber Soc. 1994;31:129-142.